Balconies Balconies by HONMI (Hon Ting Wong, Namhi Kwun)
This project posits balcony as a transitional space that rejects its architectural and functional definitions. Drawing from Building 7's Rotch library extension, where the remnants of a historical exterior brick wall is now internalized. The exhibition imagines an internal-external condition of eight different balconies' past, present, and future in the formats of zines, collages, and installations. Although abiding most of its conventions, one thing remains the same, it is a place of gathering and sharing.
Celestial City by Evan Kramer
Celestial City is an exploration of the familiar from a new perspective. Few think of photographing astronomical objects in urban, light polluted environments. However, from the vantage point of MIT campus rooftops above street-level light pollution and with specialized photography equipment, the night skies of Cambridge and Boston can be captured in all their glory.
Fathoms by Roderick Coover and Nick Montfort
Fathoms is Roderick Coover and Nick Montfort’s experimental video and language collaboration, developed under constraint, à la Oulipo — a group of French mathematicians and writers. What resulted is a sequence of collages and couplets.
Flight by Jacob Geiger
Digitally corrupted photographs of birds in flight
Glimpses of Belonging by Sabrina Su
Shot on film at home and at Asian supermarkets, this photography series explores the nostalgia of a second-generation Chinese experience in America. The titles are as follows: Su (苏), Prepackaged, I'm Sorry, Maotai (茅台), Supermarket Scents, Garage, Apple of My Eye, Condiment, Instant, Cheers!, and Thank You for Shopping Smart.
Good Mourning Good Bye by HONMI (Hon Ting Wong and Namhi Kwun)
A good mourning is— a good bye.
Interwoven by Supreetha Krishnan, Sara Laura Wilson, Marwa Al Alawi
An interdisciplinary exhibition inviting members of the MIT community—across disciplinary and social bounds—to contribute their perspectives on sustainable action in collective art pieces.
kaleido by Jessica Stringham
A recording of Kaleido, a sketch created using custom software written in Rust. The sketch explores patterns, glitches, feedback, and colors, in such a way that a precise definition creates unexpectedly beautiful details.
Lotto (I scratch, I scratch) by Timothy Hyunsoo Lee
Lotto (I scratch, I scratch)" is generative animation created through the Processing library that consists of "runners" that move along the display surface, scratching away to reveal a photograph of Lee’s childhood in Seoul. Mimicking his parents' weekly ritual of scratching lottery tickets in the United States, the masking and revealing of the image invites the audience to contemplate the narrative potential of gestures, rituals, and the immigrant pursuit of the American Dream.
Public Eyes by Vinzenz Aubry
This generative video installation engages viewers with a circle of animated digital eyes that respond to human presence. As participants approach, they encounter an unknown entity of digital avatars closely following their movement. A mediated face-to-face encounter with the unknown. Who is really watching whom?
ROCK PAPER SCISSORS by Cheung Qin, Yuki Gray, Mara Jovanović
Stills from the exhibition ROCK PAPER SCISSORS. Through distinct materials and techniques, three artists explore the dialogue between craftsmanship and care, highlighting the unique yet interconnected nature of their practices.
The Great Tit is a Bird (Project Trailer) by DuKode Studio
This is the project trailer for The Great Tit is a Bird, a new sci-fi audio drama and animation series that probes the compromises and consequences that vulnerable, structurally oppressed people around the world—from public laboratories to private bedrooms—undertake just to survive. This transfeminine story explores issues its creators have witnessed firsthand, including techno-colonization, research misconduct, gender-based violence, and threats to bodily autonomy and integrity. In this trailer, all the primary characters for the project are introduced through "found" footage and audio.
Xing Qi by Anna Borou Yu
XingQi · Consciousness is a multimedia and site-specific dance film combining classical aesthetics and contemporary media techniques. The choreography, playwright and composition are based on the historical research of the imperial kiln factory, the unearthed ceramic gene bank and blue-and-white porcelain craftsmanship, as well as the performance space of the imperial kiln museum and the cultural relic site. Through the dialogue between body language, projection mapping and camera movement, the performance connects the material, space, media art and spirit, interpreting the imperial kiln aesthetics of the broken and eternal, and the spirit of tenacious, distant and romantic.